Privacy Policy and Data Notice on Processing of Personal Data for users of the website and


We protect your contact and other personal data in accordance with regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter referred to as „General Data Protection Regulation “).


Sportline PLC - Leisure Centre, Květnového Vítězství 938/79 140 00 Prague 4 TIN: 05328993 (hereinafter referred to as the "Data Controller"), protects all personal data provided by users of the website and and processes them in accordance with applicable legislation. The data controller does not appoint a Data Protection Officer because he is not obliged to do so. The data controller processes your personal data via processors based in the European Union who comply with the same principles as those we present to you. We take all technical and organizational measures to secure your personal data. In case of a sudden breach of security of this personal information, we are obliged to inform you immediately.


1 Personal data we collect and process


When using a site without a user account

Device Identification Data: An anonymous key to maintain your login, filter settings and personalization of our website. Some of this information may be stored in the cookies of your web browser.

 In case of submitting the contact, form or sending an inquiry to an email

Device Identification Data: First and last name, email, phone number (if you fill it in it helps us to contact you faster and process your enquiry better), anonymous key to keep the session, set up filters and personalize our website. Some of this information may be stored in the cookies of your web browser.


  1. Legal basis for collecting and processing personal data

We process personal data to the extent necessary to provide website functionality for subscribers. Data that you fill in "mandatorily" when you register is the information that is required to provide a user account service. registered users can voluntarily fill in their contact details in order to receive offers and information about the website and operator´s activities.


The data you provide "voluntarily" is primarily used to communicate and to receive updates and newsletters. Failure to provide these "optional" data is voluntary and is not necessary for registration.  You have the right to refuse marketing messages.

The data provided when contacting the data controller by the user (using the contact form or directly) is used mainly for genuine interest in processing the user´s request.


The data we use to run the website for unregistered users is anonymized and shared only in the manner permitted by applicable legislation.


  1. With whom we share your personal data


We process all your personal data as a data controller.


We only share your data with the companies based in the European Union to the extent necessary for the operation and administration of the websites  and


Some of your web browsing data is shared with people whose products and services we use to provide better services on our website. These recipients who can install cookies on your computer are: Google, List, Zendesk, Smarts UP, Facebook, Heureka, Hot Jar. The data we share: Anonymized user ID, information about any purchase and movement on our website.


  1. Your data protection rights


Under applicable law, you have the right to access all your personal data that the data controller is processing.  You have the right to update or delete information we have on you as well as the right of rectification, the right to object, the right of restriction, the right to data portability and the right to withdraw consent.


The supervisory authority in the Czech Republic is the Office for Personal Data Protection, Pplk. Sochora 27, Prague 7, www.


You are not required to provide your personal data. If a user account is created, the information provided is a necessary minimum without which we are unable to provide the service and you do not need to use it.


  1. How to contact us


With any question or request related to the above given information you can contact us at


  1. Retention of personal data


In case of contacting the data controller, we will retain your personal information only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Data Protection Policy but not longer than 10 years, or for a period stipulated by generally binding legal regulations and / or revocation of your consent to the processing of personal data.





Privacy Policy and Data Notice on Processing of Personal Data for users of the website and provided for marketing purposes


We protect your contact and other personal data in accordance with regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter refered to as „General Data Protection Regulation “).


Sportline PLC - Leisure Centre, Květnového Vítězství 938/79 140 00 Prague 4 TIN: 05328993 (hereinafter referred to as the "Data Controller"), protects all personal data provided by users of the website and and processes them in accordance with applicable legislation. The data controller does not appoint a Data Protection Officer because he is not obliged to do so. The data controller processes your personal data via processors based in the European Union who comply with the same principles as those we present to you. We take all technical and organizational measures to secure your personal data. In case of a sudden breach of security of this personal information, we are obliged to inform you immediately. There is no automated individual decision-making process under Article 22 of the Regulation by the controller.

1 Personal data we collect and process


1 For the marketing purposes and sending commercial messages we process the following data:

Your IP address, user ID, email address, first and last name. If provided, the following information should also be shared: Contact and / or billing address, telephone number.


  1. Legal basis for collecting and processing personal data

We process personal data for the purposes of sending commercial messages, offers and events marketing activities of the data controller.


  1. Duration of data processing

The period we will process your personal data is up to 10 years after the last consent. However, you can at any time withdraw your prior consent to the processing of your personal data.


  1. With whom we share your personal data

We process all your personal data as a data controller.


We only share your data with the companies based in the European Union to the extent necessary for the operation and administration of the websites  and including support activities such as online marketing and website operation.


Some of your personal data is shared with people whose products and services we use to provide better services on our website. These recipients who can install cookies on your computer are: Google, List, Zendesk, Smarts UP, Facebook, Heureka, Hot Jar. The data we share: Anonymized user ID, IP address, information about any purchase and movement on our website.


  1. Your data protection rights


Under applicable law, you have the right to access all your personal data that the data controller is processing.  You have the right to update or delete information we have on you as well as the right of rectification, the right to object, the right of restriction, the right to data portability and the right to withdraw consent.


The supervisory authority in the Czech Republic is the Office for Personal Data Protection, Pplk. Sochora 27, Prague 7, www.


You are not required to provide your personal data. If a user account is created, the information provided is a necessary minimum without which we are unable to provide the service and you do not need to use it.


  1. How to contact us

With any question or request related to the above given information you can contact us at as well as in case of the withdrawal of your consent to the processing your personal data by  means of sending an e-mail with the subject of "Withdrawal of the consent to the processing my personal data for marketing purposes".



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